Sunday, January 13, 2013

Kaliyug - a few signs

All of us who have watched old Hindi movies, heard the grandparents reacting to the current events by sighing 'घोर कलयुग है !' and of course, those of who pay attention to the changing times know about the Kali Yug. While  it has been my area of interest and strong belief for past few years, its only recently that I read the Kali Puran and felt like listing the signs mentioned in it about the Kali Yug. All the religions talk about it in their own jargon but the central ideas remain the same - the confusion, the nemesis, the rise of a Saviour on a White Horse. The power capsule can be found here

So what Kalki Puran has predicted is as follows :

  1. Places, people and practices to serve liquor, illicit sexual activity, gambling and gold creation, hoarding and selling will be the abode of Kali, the demon
  2. Sexual desires will be uncontrolled and find their way through all possible means -  rapes, pre-marital/extra-marital sex etc.
  3. Nothing told in the religious text will be followed, in fact, it will be abhorred and people will behave contrary to what is told
  4. Bodies of human beings will be fragile, weak and life expectancy will gradually decline, at a stage reaching a maximum of 16 years
  5. Diseases and epidemics will be rampant, resistance power will decrease
  6. People will be engaged in fruitless debates incessantly, will never arrive at sound conclusions and will believe in endless analysis
  7. Earning money, more and more money and getting all the material pleasures at any cost will be the sole purposes of Life
  8. Money hoarding, earning interest on it endlessly and living life thereby will be accepted and adorable means of livelihood
  9. Family people will increasingly lose thinking and acting capabilities
  10. Parents, teachers will not be respected
  11. 'Sadhus', saints will turn beggars and vagabonds
  12. People preaching intricate and complex thoughts will be treated as saints
  13. Men and women will themselves agree and get married
  14. Law enforcers will increasingly grow incapable of punitive action. The rulers and the enforcers will turn complacent and insensitive towards the subjects and will be obsessed with being in power
  15. Only the one with money will be respected
  16. The cultivable lands will shrink in size and quality
  17. Rivers will change course and dry up
  18. Widows will get married immediately or indulge in sexual activity without restrain
  19. The ruling class will increasingly start exploiting the subjects, first economically, and become cruel
  20. The rainfall will gradually decrease
  21. Tired by harassments, knowledgeable people will leave their countries and settle somewhere else. The ones holding on will lose their faith and interest in their religion and knowledge and succumb to the pressure of the bullies, leaving Dharma ineffective
  22. People will cease to trust each other, vengeance and jealousy will be prevalent, vows will be broken, business will be a second name for cheating and unfair practices
 I'm sure we can't deny most of the signs foretold !!! 

'Life of Pi' - few notes

'Life of Pi' was on my list since December 2012 when I first read about the movie but the time to watch it actually arrived in Jan 2013 - things happen when they are supposed to happen, not before, not after !

To be frank, I haven't given much deep thought to the movie and I don't intend to in  the near future(also, I don't intend to read the novel) but I thought I must at least pen down some of the thoughts that ran across my mind after watching the movie.

1. Pi and the Religion

First, some striking quotes :
  • If God is so perfect and we are not, why would he want to create all this?Why does he need us at all?
  • Believing in everything at the same time is same as not believing in anything at all !
  • And how can he find his way if he does not choose a path?
  • Faith is a house with many rooms.
    And no room for doubt?
    Oh ! Plenty ! On every floor. Doubt is useful, it keeps faith a living thing ! After all, you cannot know the strength of your faith until it is tested
As a child, Pi is normal at least about one thing - asking questions and seeking answers. As adults, we do not appreciate these things, at least the education system, the 'bringing up kids' doesn't suggest that we do ! Pi's father has his own ideology and tries to guide Pi accordingly - this is what all the fathers do and MUST do. After all, they have seen the World, had myriad experiences and based on them, they have/had formed their ideologies and beliefs ! However vague and unconvincing these may seem, but every man has ample experiences in his life when he realizes "Yeah ! What Dad said was right"
The first quote is my favourite from the movie !!! Since my teens, I always wondered that if God is so powerful and merciful, why does He allow Man to suffer, to commit wrong things at all ? Why does He need to manage this entire Earth, the cycle of Life, Death, Afterlife and Reincarnation? But as the time passed, Nature, the Indian saints, the History and most important, the people, their behaviour brought me to the conclusion that Man is the God's identity - He would have no importance, no value, no recognition without Man ! Its His ego, His desire to be worshipped, His desire to rule, His desire to be treated as important and serious is what made Him create Man - no other reason ! And this is the time when I realized how CORRECT the Hindu religion and the teachings of Indian saints were - Life, Death, Heaven, Hell, Reincarnation etc. everything is an illusion ! The real goal of Man must be Moksha ! I may be horribly wrong but to make things simple to understand and explain, I treat 'Moksha' as a Shift+Delete/shred command on a file on a Windows/Linux OS - permanent deletion, no existence anywhere ! While this idea may sound rueful, sick, desolate, negative, this is the Truth !!!
The scene in which(I unfortunately couldn't provide here) Pi's father asks him to reason, to think rationally is the most practical piece of advice for a beginner on the path to understand Religion and/or Spiritualism - one can't just hang-on abstract thoughts and philosophy; one has to relate it to the real life and test it ! That's how the Faith must be tested and that's how a Man progresses on the path.

2. The Inner Self/the Subconscious(?)/The Soul

It often happens that our instincts/mind/whatever notices unusual things, tries to point out patterns etc. but we conveniently choose to disregard it. I again realized this when the movie was about to end - when Pi reveals the real story ! I was surprised and unconvinced that how could a hyena and a tiger could stay under a cover  together without causing a trouble and why does the tiger suddenly spring into action out of nowhere and attacks the hyena !
The Inner Self is again a seemingly abstract concept but to simplify it, we can loosely/vaguely relate it to the instinctive mind that all of us have. In the context of the movie, I agree and have drawn the following conclusions :
  1. To survive in the 'practical' world like a common man, it must be tamed
  2. It must be KEPT ALIVE - if you kill it, you lose your identity !
  3. Periodically, one must listen to what it has to say, spend time with it
3. Pi and the Island

The biggest philosophical depiction in the movie, is the island on which Pi lands up. Pi comes there wandering and in a dire situation - he needs food and water to survive ! In a way, he finds a hope, a small source of energy there, so does the tiger ! But later, the tiger runs desperately towards the boat while Pi stays on the island. Pi finds a human tooth and discovers that the island is carnivorous and the water is acidic at night. He assumes that someone came on that island, didn't try to get away from there and died as loneliness crept upon. It serves as a warning to Pi that no matter what the results, he must reach back to the world. But the island teaches makes him realize - if he hadn't found it, he would have died; if he would have stayed there, he would have been lost and died ! He believes that God is watching over him and he must continue his journey.
Depending upon the (in)sanity of each brain, I think multiple conclusions can be drawn :
  1. The obvious and the most realistic one is not to get stuck at a place during a journey just because you find solace in there. The journey is more important
  2. A more pessimistic variant of the above conclusion is that the instincts often warn us about the danger but the conscious mind trample it ! There are incidents, places, patterns and people around us which may give pleasure, appear helpful initially but it may harm us later. Worse, what you get out of these entities and much more than that is lost later - probably when your times are bad, when you are of no purpose or whatever ! But all that the island gave him by the day, took away again, by the night !
3. Pi's return to the World

The striking feature of this part of the movie is Pi's thoughts about Richard Parker. Pi has spend a good amount of time with his inner self and must have compared it with the Life he had been living in the 'real' world till then. Now, when he's back to the 'real' world, his inner self disappears !

  1. The most hard-hitting message, in my humble opinion, was that the jungle is actually the Civilization into which the inner mind/instincts get lost
  2. Another, technically correct, interpretation is that upon the arrival in the Civilization, the inner mind sees no scope of living in there(it will have to go wild and soon will be hunted down), hence, retreats to the jungle where the Civilization may not follow !

Friday, January 4, 2013

Grand Master Oogway - role model of leadership and wisdom

While I think that writing anything about Kung Fu Panda universe would be a mere redundancy, I'm compelled for past many months to express my perception towards the greatest character(in my humble opinion)of the franchise - Grand Master Oogway.

Master Oogway is depicted as a cool, wise, skilled and a GOOD person who undoubtedly is the best teacher in the Kung Fu Panda universe. However abstract the series may seem, there are a few lessons we can definitely take away, especially about leadership and wisdom.

Notes :

  1. 'He/he' refers to Master Oogway as this article revolves around him
  2. NO copyright infringement intended - the material used here is just to help relate to some aspects important in human life !

Oogway and the Monkey

Oogway and the three masters - Ox, Croc and Rhino

Oogway and Fenghuang

Oogway and Tai-Lung

Points to be noted :

  1. Oogway goes places in search of talent(and doesn't just stay in a cosy place, expecting talent to show up), identifies, pursues and grooms such individuals
  2. Knows the nerves of individuals and can see through them - anticipates the darkness within Tai-Lung, Fenghuang and also is prepared to tackle them !
  3. Makes his point lucidly but assertively - Patiently but sarcastically, disapproving of the petty objectives set by individuals like Ox,Croc and Rhino though having potential of doing bigger things ! Yet, believing and guiding them !Teaches teamwork by practicals
  4. Fights like a true leader,when required - During the capture of Woo sisters, repelling Tai-Lung - risks himself at the front, exhibits great skills and doesn't behave like an 'armchair leader'. Ex: Tai Lung is Shifu's student and Oogway doesn't interfere till Shifu falls but then immediately leaps and protects the Dragon Scroll

Oogway's vision about return of Tai Lung

Points to be noted :
  1. The calm and terse way in which Oogway tells Shifu about his vision(and not coming down heavily upon the followers/juniors)
  2. Accepting the possibility of impending danger(and not denying it in order to stay in the comfort zone). In fact, when Shifu sends Zheng to Chorh-Gom Prison, Oogway quotes - "One often meets his Destiny on the road he takes to avoid it ! "
  3. He advises Shifu to remain calm and also points out at the solution - the dawn of the dawn of the Dragon Warrior
Oogway with Po beneath the Peach tree

Points to be noted :
  1. Oogway understands and appreciates(and doesn't invalidate) the mindset of an extremely junior-most, rather naive, person
  2. He boosts Po's morale in kind and easy-to-understand words(and not using mumbo-jumbo 'motivation' stuff)
  3. He is willing to give time to Po in spite of his failures and again points at a simple solution - stop getting concerned with past and future and focus on today
Before ascension

Points to be noted :
  1. Though shocked and worried about Tai Lung's escape, quickly composes himself(and doesn't melt down and flow out like magma)
  2. Not only tries to calm Shifu but also asks him to guide Po and give him time(and not hogging him - 'Get it done !')
  3. Leaves/ascends in time and ensures that he has given charge to another experienced and able person. One can see how he is not obsessed with being in-charge and not willing to surrender his power !
  4. Even before leaving,points at the solution again("You must believe ! "); again, this solution is simple and well-suited for a veteran like Shifu. Essence is, providing simple and appropriate solutions at different levels
  5. Follows leadership hierarchy - With ripe age, spending time in meditation and allowing Shifu to exercise authority. Not meddling in training or daily affairs
  6. Soothsayer traits - allowing the events to unfold, letting things come and go !

I leave derivation of the summary of leadership and wisdom traits to the readers, rather than providing, rather thrusting my own ideas because - "YOU MUST BELIEVE" :